Stephanie Bertuzzo is a banker by day, and internet addict by night. Ex-blogger and all around bad bitch, she has been writing online since she was 8 years old. Shop Fafita is her first crack at e-commerce.
Watch the video interview below.
Host Lindsay Dent, Founder & Creative Director of Pink Crown Creative @_lindsaydent & @pinkcrowncreative Email for sponsor opportunities, guest appearances or collaborations. Guest Stephanie Bertuzzo, Owner at Shop Fafita @shopfafita Episode References Stephanie's Favourite Bloggers
Stephanie's Favourite Podcasts
Armchair Expert - Dax Shepard Ancient Wisdom Today - Shaman DurekExpanded Podcast - Lacy Phillips The entrepreneur expertGoopA Drink with James
Episode Resources Use promo code "CREATIVITYANDLOVE" to receive $25 your next Creative Strategy Hour Booking with Pink Crown Creative Artwork RD Design Let's get social! Instagram: @haveyoumetheryetseries Facebook