Our next Cocktails & Conversations event is on Monday, February 22!
Grab your favourite beverage of choice, and join the Pink Crown Creative & Have You Met Her Yet? Podcast communities for a monthly virtual networking meet up as we bring the podcast to life and feature past guests and influential speakers to get you feeling connected, educated, supported, inspired, empowered and celebrated!
Our evening will include: - Conversations with influential speakers & past podcast guests - Break out networking - A chance to socialize and get to know new people in our community - Community Share - Opportunity for you to have the floor and share more about yourself, business or brand
This event is for anyone who is looking to: - have a fun, laid back, social evening - be open to meeting, learning from and supporting local people & business owners - feel inspired and want to end the month on a positive note Speakers: TBA!
Are you a Pink Crown Collective member? - You get to come to this event for free! Become a Pink Crown Collective member and take advantage of some of our incredible perks, promotions and events! Click here for more info Limited quantity of Early Bird Tickets available from Sunday, February 7th until February 15th! Click here to get your ticket now!